
My name’s Maria Lostorto, I am 26 years old and I come from the south of Italy, more specifically from Apulia. My hometown is a tiny and antique “Borgo” with a really peculiar name, which I will tell you about during my lessons.

This year I graduated in “Science of Tourism”, I love traveling and meeting new cultures so this field seems perfect for me, after I graduated I searched for opportunities to challenge my limits, and as my thesis was based on women who travel alone so going abroad seems the normal outgoing of my journey (mom doesn’t agree).

So here I am, the first time alone abroad, and after a month I can say that this was the right decision. Krakow is everything that I couldn’t imagine, I could start with many things to describe this city but I am Italian so … food.

Don’t get excited, I will not say that Polish food is better than Italian’s (I am fond of my citizenship), BUT polish food is really good, I am particularly in love with potato pierogi and Paczki, and if you have advice or need someone to test some dishes I would sacrifice myself.


Apart from the food, it was the culture that really conquered me, the massive number of museums and libraries, there is not a day that I don’t see a girl with a book in a coffee shop in the most autumn vibe ever seen, for not talking about the architecture that seems to conserve a solemnity from the past in a modern world.

I can be a little shy but I am so looking forward to experiencing more of this city, and of this culture, so after two weeks in the library where I had the chance to meet wonderful people, I am anticipating the moment when I will meet all of my future students and share my culture and immerse in yours.

I’ll see you soon

Ciao !!!

Jedna uwaga do wpisu “Buongiorno!!

  1. Dzień dobry Zapisałam się na kurs języka angielskiego. Naprawdę chcę się tego nauczyć. Niestety mieli pilną operację (mogę pokazać dokumenty). Z tego powodu nie mogłam przyjść na pierwszą lekcję. Bardzo chcę nauczyć się języka. Proszę o zapisanie mnie do dogodnej dla Ciebie grupy. Teraz jestem już całkowicie zdrowy i mogę chodzić na zajęcia. Proszę o informację do której grupy mogę się zapisać i na jaką godzinę?

    Dear Maria! I signed up for an English course. I really want to learn it. Unfortunately, they had an emergency operation (I can show you the documents.) Because of this, I was unable to come to the first lesson. I really want to learn the language. Please enroll me in a group convenient for you. Now I am completely healthy and can go to classes. Please let me know which group I can be enrolled in and for what time?

    Best regards, Alexander Chubenko

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